In vitro assessment of a novel Spear headed intracorporeal pneumatic lithotriptor: Annual American Urology Association Meeting – 2011
Jackhammer nephroscopy (JN): An aid to fragment evacuation during Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011.
5-Part Percutaneous Access Needle Over Glidewire – Suprapubic Access Technique (5-Pang-Sat): A Minimally Invasive Solution For Suprapubic Vesical Access: Our Initial Experience : Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011
The Fibre Tow Technique: A Novel Maneuver To Retrieve Ureteric Calculi: Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011
Jet Evacuation Technique (Jet) For Calculi Extraction During Ureteroscopy: Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011
5 Part Percutaneous Access Needle With Glidewire (5-Pang) Technique For Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: Technique And Outcomes: Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011
Spear Headed Lithotriptor: A Cheap Alternative For Hard Stones: Engineering and Urology Society meeting May-2011
Annual conference of EUA, March 2011, Austria
In vitro assessment of a novel Spear headed intracorporeal pneumatic lithotriptor: 26th annual European Association of Urology Congress-2011
World congress of Endourology, 2010, at Chicago
5 part Percutaneous Access Needle with Glidewire (5-PANG) technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy: Our experience of 315 cases.
The Fibre Tow Technique: A Novel maneuver to retrieve Ureteric calculi Spear Headed Lithotriptor: A Cheap Alternative For Hard Stones
Pelviureteric junction stricture following ESWL: a case report
5-PANG suprapubic cystostomy (5-PANG-SPC): A minimally invasive solution for acute retention of urine: Our initial experience.
Prepubic urethral fistula in a case of stricture urethra: a first case report.
Use of Holmium: YAG laser for a broken and impacted stone basket: A novel Two Limb Fracture Technique.
Bone in stone: 2 case reports.
Jackhammer nephroscopy (JN) :an aid to fragment evacuation during percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
“Jet Evacuation Technique (JET)” for calculi extraction during ureteroscopy.
“Scope Shake” (SS) for calculi evacuation during ureteroscopy: our intial experience.
Evaluation of postoperative recovery after percutaneous nephrolithotomy done using 5-PANG technique.
Paedurology 2010, July, Dhule
Pelviureteric junction obstruction
Hypospadias and its management
Undescended testis
USICON 2010 : Agra
Unknotting a knotted zebra wire in the ureter: A useful technique invented.
Spear headed lithotripter: A cheaper alternative for hard stones.
Obturator jerk during bipolar plasma kinetic resection of prostate; a case repo
Retrotrigonal ectopic and hyper plastic prostate; a case report.
Obturator jerk during ureterocele incision: a case report.
West Zone USICON 2009-Khajuraho
Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction in North Maharashtra: Epidemiology of rural India
Immediate endoscopic realignment for grade III urethral trauma – A single centre experience
World Congress of Endourology 2009 – Munich
A novel 5 part percutaneous access needle with glidewire (5-pang) technique
for faster percutaneous nephrolithotomy: our initial experience
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for renal calculi of more than 5cm.
Unknotting a knotted zebra wire in the ureter: a useful technique invented
Fountain technique for fragment evacuation after pulverisation of large bladder calculi
ESWL for an annular calculus at the site of a pyeloplasty: a case report
ASICON, Dec 2008
Life threatening vesical hemorrhage due to a primary choriocarcinoma of the
bladder in a female: a case report
Management of stone >5cm by minimally invasive techniques a prospective study
Nephron sparing approach for Grade 5 renal injury- A case report.
Obstructive urinary symptoms dut to huge prostatic calculus – A case report
USICON, 2008
Teflon injection in primary vesicouretric reflux
IX-th Annual conference USICON (West) 99 – GOA
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephrectomy versus open nephrectomy
Persistent upper tract dilatation in patients of posterior urethral valves.
Tubularised Incised Plate Urethroplasty for distal hypospadiasis : Our Experience.
Annual meeting of Mumbai Urological society 1999,2000,2001.
Our Experience of Retroperitoneal laparoscopic pyelolithotomy Bombay Hospital Trust Research Meeting.
33rd Annual conference of USI – 20-23rd Jan.2000 Hyderabad
Our experience of retroperitoneal laparoscpic Pyelolithotomy : compared with Percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic bilateral pretransplant nephroureterectomy for grade 5 vesicoureteral reflux. Video Presentation.
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic perirenal and periureteral bilateral lymphatic disconnection for intractable chyluria
Retroperitoneal laparoscopic donor nephrectomy : Staged development of complete procedure.
Inferior Venacaval Thrombus in Renal Cell carcinoma : Is surgical Approach justified ?
USICON, 2001, Nagpur
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopy : Why should one use sharp trocars ?
Single handed laparoscopic surgery using a new device.
Our experience of retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
Newer trends in Urology: Rimacon Dhule. 2010-11
Diagnosis and management of urological disorders: Holnanthe medical association. 23.1.2011
Recent advances in treatment of Urolithiasis: IMA Shahada 11.12.2010
Annual conferences of the Research Society of ACPM Medical Colleges 2005,2006,2007,2008.
Uncommon causes of urinary tract obstruction
Tuberculous mastitis an uncommon entity
Leiomyoma stomach an uncommon case
Hydatid disease of the kidney a case report
Blood at the meatus : A urological emergency
Lower urinary tract infection : What we need to know
Management of infundibular stenosis : our early experience
Incontinence due to an uncommon cause
Recent Advances in Endourology
Diagnosis and management of urological disorders: Holnanthe medical association. 3.1.2011 20
Recent advances in treatment of Urolithiasis: IMA Shahada 11.12.2010
2nd International CME in Urology – SGPGI, Lucknow 16 – 18th December – 1999
22 X-th Annual conference. West Zone chapter of USI – Pune – 29 Sept. To 1 Oct.2000
CME at 33rd Annual conference 20-23rd Jan 2000 Hyderabad.
Instructional course on Imaging in Urology on 17th – 18th 2000. Held by Mumbai
Urological society. 25 Annual conference of Research Society 26th – 27th Jan.2002. S.B.H.Govt.Medical College, Dhule.