Stone Analysis Lab
Stone analysis is a special test performed to analyze the type of kidney stone and help prevent the recurrence.
There are various chemical and physical techniques available for urinary stone analysis. The correct stone analysis should identify not only all stone components, but also the molecular structure and crystalline forms with exact quantitative determination of each component
Why should we do stone analysis???
- To know the causes for renal stone formation.
- To prevent recurrence for renal stone formation.
- To take necessary precautions.
Stone analysis using FTIR:
Fourier Transform IR (FTIR) is the most modern and reliable method for analysis of stones. It is a specific, rapid and versatile method which uses infrared (IR) rays.
Advantages of FTIR:
- Cheap and reliable
- Useful for identification of organic components or non crystalline substances eg. purines, proteins or fat and drug metabolites
- Semiautomatic evaluations are possible applying search match functions
- Reduces errors due to operator bias

Type of Kidney Stone
- Calcium stones – Most kidney stones are made of calcium compounds, especially calcium oxalate (80%).
- Uric acid stones – Stones made up of uric acid; a waste product normally passed in urine (7%).
- Struvite stones – These stones are found in infected urine and have a mixed constitution.
Our patients can avail the Kidney stone analysis facility at Tejnaksh Stone Analysis Lab using FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
Collection of Stone Analysis Sample
Instructions for sending a urinary stone for analysis
The health practitioner or laboratory may receive in two forms:-
Sample collected by a straining device that has a fine mesh.
Kindly examine the mesh /sieve for any particulates. (Kindly note that stones may be easily visible or as small as grains of sand)
A surgical specimen of stone
Once you retrieve the particulate matter, place it in a clean dry and unbreakable container (eg ; a plastic container for used for urine routine microscopy).
Allow it to dry.
Properly pack the sample and courier it to Stone Analysis Lab
Institute of Urology
Sakri Road, Dhule-424001 , Maharashtra.
Kindly email us the courier details at
Contact: Mr. Praful Patil – 9403641897.
- Send the stone in dry form
- Kindly do not add anything to the stone, such as formalin, other preservatives, tissue or tape, as this can make testing more difficult.
- Do not prepare the sample before sending
- Send it through a responsible courier as transit loss of the sample would not be the responsibility of Tejnaksh